We are gamers, we are writers, we are artists, and we are all welcome to share our talents and interests, whether they be in writing, reading or playing. To this purpose, as sandbox, soap box or magic box, Ex Computatoris exists.
Ex Computatoris has four main boards, though most of you will only see three. They are:
  • The General forum, wherein the rules, introductions and general randomness of day to day conversation are gathered.
  • The Roleplay forum, wherein games are played.
  • The Guild forum, wherein members of the W0W guild Vhelaire Tar'qui (The Golden Infinity) gather to share knowledge.
  • The Story forum, wherein stories are told, read and enjoyed by all.
  • All members of this board, however they came here, are expected to follow the same rules of courtesy, and will be expected to uphold those rules whether they are familiar with them as laid down by the admins or not. Minors must understand and accept that there are some areas of the board they will simply not be allowed into until they are legally adults - in most places, that is over eighteen.
    Violations of these rules will be dealt with accordingly.
    Being of sound and open mind, enter freely.